Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's offical, Friday night we make the switch.

I talked to Luis today and we agreed on making the switch to 4e. I called Ken, and surprisingly he was cool with the whole deal. I think this Friday night will be more of a demo session, meaning I need to teach these guys the rules. Plus I will only have 3 players. I think my first podcast will be about the upcoming event.

Monday, November 17, 2008

All things clerical.

First off I must mention how much I really love the new cleric! I had played a Dragonborn paladin for the previous 3 sessions, and because people are starting to drop like flies from our Sunday night 4th edition game, my group needed a healer and because I was getting a little bored with the pally I volunteered. Don't get me wrong that is not a slam against the paladin class, it is good class with some good powers and they are the only class that starts the game with the ability to wear the best armor(s). I set my cleric up as a devout cleric, meaning I focused pretty much on healing and buffing my party. I'm a Dwarf so I can use a warhammer, but I hardly use it unless I stuck up against a wall or something, or I use my healing strike, other wise its lance of faith, sacred fire, or using a healing power.

What I didn't like about the paladin was mostly my own fault, because I didn't understand my role in the group, and I got a little bored just getting beat up on. I'm an old school D&D'er, meaning I expect my fighting classes to be big bad asses, more so at low levels, compared to the rest of the group at a low level, however 4th edition changed this, which I am happy they did.

The fighter and pally are no longer expected to deal big amounts of damage, with the right weapons, feats, and daily power you could easily pop off 20-25 points of damage, but your wizard, rouge, ranger, and warlock are the main classes to really hand out a beating. The previous editions of D&D always had the fighter class be the most powerful at level 1-8 and then slowly everybody else would get better and you would be as powerful as you were at level 10 as you are at level 15 and so on. Now the fighter has a bigger purpose along with the paladin.

I've always understood the concept of "party roles", however, because I'm not an online gamer, or at least I don't play WoW, I've never really had them specify defended for me the way 4th edition does. The fighter and pally's are defenders aka "the tanks", where as the ranger and rogues are "strikers" they get in and out quickly doing as much damage as they can do.

The way our party was set up playing a pally pretty much meant I could heal somebody twice per day with my lay on hands and keep the baddies off my buddies with various taunts. Which I enjoyed because I had an ac of 21 at level 2, which is pretty bad ass in my opinion, and as a Dragonborn I had a breath weapon, sure it was only a d6+3, but getting to breath fire, show me where to sign! Plus, you can do a breath weapon, and still attack and move, and if you really want to push the limit if you have an action point, use said action point use a power and move again, use a second wind and move around, you get the point.

I read a quote somewhere that said, "The 4th edition cleric isn't your daddy’s cleric." I couldn't agree more. The cleric is still your party’s healer, but depending on your chose of powers, feats, race, and gear what you do from cleric to cleric can really vary. In 3.5 the cleric had a laundry list of spells, most sad to say were either pointless or were never used because you spent all your time healing people. Now, they've taken away the stuff you don't use and improved the things you do use.

Healing word: This is an encounter power, however from level 1-15 you can use it twice and encounter and from 16+ it becomes 3 times an encounter. This power lets you say a pray basically and your ally can spend a healing surge and you get a d6+wisdom modifier in addition to that. Every few levels you add a d6, which is pretty flipping sweet.

After that the rest of your healing comes from powers, healing word is the only class feature that always you to heal, or at least its something you come with no matter which cleric path you choose. From their you have the at wills of:

Lance of Faith: Doesn't do any healing but it summons a lance of divine energy to hit your target for a d8+wisdom mod and give a party member a +2 power bonus vs. that target, on the players next attack.

Sacred Flame: d6+wisdom mod holy fire, and you give a friend either Cha+ 1/2 level in temp hp, or a save bonus.


Holy Strike: This is the only power I use my hammer with; the others are ranged attacks with more or less holy energy. Which is something I am getting use to because I do not have any at wills that are melee, there are at wills for a cleric that are melee not ranged, but that's the path I picked. I digress, this attack is STR based and is 2(W) or 2d10 with my hammer + STR and lets people heal.


Beacon of healing: Bad ass. If you beat the targets will (wis V will), the target becomes weakened and every body in a burst 5 (I think, my PHB is not in front of me) gets +5 healed and +5 temps, but because of healers lore, I can add my wisdom to the healing giving me them 10 healing, and they way I read it, but I could be wrong, +10 temp too.

Cure light wounds: Plain Jane, target gets a healing surge value + my Wis.

I do feel that as a cleric I fell do not have a lot of actually healing "spells" or "prayers" but if you when you stand back and look at it objectively, you do. Healing word 2'x and encounter is pretty good, plus healing strike, if it hits, once an encounter. However Beacon is a daily along with cure light wounds, I think cure should be an encounter, it’s not that great of a prayer, and 1 extra healing is not going to make a balance issue in my opinion.

Wrapping up, the cleric rocks, it’s more versatile and is a bigger team player. Maybe not as far as damage goes, depending on your choice of battle cleric or devout cleric, but I feel like I am actually doing something to help the party other than just standing there taking a beating. I will say however with both of my at wills being ranged attacks if I go in to the front lines, be choice or force, I have to switch to my hammer and with out any at wills to use with it, swinging a warhammer isn't that great, which bottom line is the difference between 4th and 3.5, doing something cool every turn or swinging a hammer with d10+2 every round.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Podcast update!

Ok girls and gents! I've found a way to finally start up the Kung-Fu Kobold podcast.

Being that I work in the audio field and I am a better orator that writer I am excited for this new feature. Expect something posted soon.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Kolbold strikes again!

I'm feeling an inch to start writing again.

My 3.5 group is falling apart, as normal.

I found a 4e group, and much to my surprise, I love 4e! Go figure, from the guy who had nothing nice to say... Goes to show don't make up your mind about something until you have all the facts!



Monday, May 12, 2008

Sorry, it's been a wild ride.

I have no good excuse for not posting for over a month. All I have to say is sometimes being a manager, a dad, a DM, and PC gamer, gets in the way of my writing.

Pretty much I've had a bad case of writers block for well over a month. It came from a combination of work stress, to much D&D, and knowing that I have only about 3 readers, and they all read my post on our website dnd.luis791.com. Plus, I was with out internet at home for a good month or more.

So, what's been up?

Well, I finally got a new PC and Cable internet. I had a near TPK, 3 out of 4's not bad, started playing Guild Wars pretty hardcore for awhile and got my D&D players online too. We started a Guild and try to play as much online as we can.

We've were playing D&D pretty core for a few weeks with 6 hour sessions every week for a month. We are currently on break until the end of the month when we will pick up 30 days later in game time and we will start 2-3 encounters a night making our games about 3 hours at most.

We wrapped up the Songs of Gruumish game and played something I wrote one week. I am either going to start in on the Comyr game from WoTC or something home grown.

However, we are thinking about running some non WoTC stuff, maybe even an old west themed RPG.. Any suggestions?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Thanks Dungeon Mastering.com!

I want to thank Yax over at DungeonMastering.com.

He runs an amazing site and he was nice enough to give us some love here at the Kung Fu Kobold.

Thanks guys!

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Poll

Check out the new poll.

The world of Ridgecrest: Part 1 " Meet the Heroes."

Years ago, as a young padawan DM, I tried to build a world. Much like Atlas, I realized trying to prop a world up on your shoulders is no easy task. However, it also was exciting, fun, and made me some really good friends. (And lose one as well.) My world is called "Ridgecrest." It is a large Island split up into a few small areas and kingdoms.

The largest, the land of Sunridge. Ruled by the great King Roth.

The next biggest and the peace keeper between the three, the Kingdom of King Silverkin.

The last, and the smallest, Shadow Haven.. Ruled by a greedy Price, controlled by and evil wizard.

The middle grounds were home to all races that had no uniform king and lived apart from the human kingdoms.

The badlands housed vicious dragons, large dwarven mines, and evil humanoids.

The very north was controlled by several tribes of nomadic and barbaric Orcs and Goblinoids.

There is nothing special about said "Ridgecrest" other than that is the name of the generic island my players started out on years ago. Since then I made it part of the Realms of the coast of Waterdeep and advanced our current story line about 80 years after the events in their first game. Nevertheless, we had a lot of good NPCs and villains established that would be fun to bring back.

And the story goes.....

They PCs came together at a small inn, with a even smaller pub, named "The Blue Cross inn"." (Yes Luis, we are going to start the game at an inn, again.) The Blue Cross Inn was owned and ran by a dwarf amputee name Hraf. The adventure started out as simple quest of finding a spell book hidden deep below the home of the famous wizard called, Alamozes, and bringing it to the middlelands. There the Royal Red Army of Sunridge awaited them and prepared for an emerging war with Shadow Haven, the small kingdom to the north..

And ended with the PCs battling Malak, the most powerful and evil wizard that Ridgecrest, or the Realms, for that matter, had ever seen, along with the death of a dear friend and true hero.

Along the way the PCs:

Met their future wives, built homes, battled evil Pirates, killed a sea serpent by summoning a whale and dropping it on the sea monster, and killed a white dragon and took his diamonds and gold, only to have them turn to coal once they removed them from his cave.

They watched a friend cut the eyes off a beholder, they watched a friend turn from a sinister warlock to an evil warlock, they had a friend betray them and join the "other side", they helped a friend find out who he really is and where he came from, and watched a friend make a choice of saving himself or the world.

Meet our adventurers:

Run the Half Orc Barbarian;

He started out naive, selfish, hostile, and brash, but after he met his soon to be friends, Minick the Sorcerer, Aust the Elven ranger, Raven the Cleric, Trayken the fighter, and Qade Quickstep the halfling, he became much more and eventually made the ultimate sacrifice to save the world. He is the forgotten mighty one of the last battle and the wielder of one big axe.

Minick the Human Sorcerer and the lost Prince of Silverkin:

Young Minick was mighty powerful for his age and much like the half orc, he could be quick tempered and had a thirst for power. However, with the help of his friends and seeing how power can corrupt even the most powerful wizards he learned to control his lust of power and eventually lead his kingdom victory during a very dark time. His story begins not knowing who he is or where he came from. His only memories are discovering his powers at the orphanage of Sunridge. Unknown to him, or at least not yet, he is the heir of the peace keeping world of Silverkin and his father is the missing King Silverkin.

Aust The Elven Ranger, and slayer of Dragons: Aust was the wise and oldest of his group and never really had a family. His small tribe of Elves had a custom of cutting ties with the young males and forcing them to make their own way in the world before they can return home to settle down and marry. His adventure begins with the group when the good Elven King Phaedrus convinced Aust to travel with this rag tag group of adventurers. He found the half orc rough and loud, he saw the halfling as silly and a crook, and the rest of the party as power hungry humans. However, learning to set his Elven arrogance aside, he found a true family.

Raven Beuwolf, the follower of the rules and silent leader: The quite one is the best way to describe Raven. His skills proved very important when the party either needed an extra blade, a quick heal, or somebody to figure out a good plan of a attack that didn't include charging in head first, despite Run's protest. Raven's contributions to the party also included helping the party grow into adults and teach them how to follow rules.

Qade Quickstep, the holder of your things: No one really remembers when Qade first joined the party. No one really noticed until their things started to go missing. Of course if you asked Qade why he had your magical ring of protection or your bag of gold he would reply, "I wanted to hold it for you because you never know when a thief could sneak by and grap it from you."

Trayken the bringer of Juggernauts and destroyer of Elf Kings: Trayken started as a good friend to the party. He was the guy that would crack a joke during that tense moment and cause everyone to laugh. Armed with a might longsword and always looking for the perfect mount, and wearing his armor the wrong way, he was a valuable addition to the group. However, some people are not always what them seem. After the battles between Sunridge and Shadow Haven began he lost focus with the group and started to empathize with his friends enemies. Eventually betraying the group to the evil wizard Malak, Trayken was fed to Malak's purple dragon Cyrus.

Boken the warlock of Gemk: Boken was never truly part of the gang. Despite being friends with Minick he could never find a place he fit into. He growing angst lead him to embrace the darker side of magic and turn on his friends during their raid on the castle of the wizard Vallencore.

These heroes saved the world, but could never speak of what they to anyone outside the group. Each one of them went their own way and lived long and happy lives putting adventuring in the past. But they all shared a whirlwind adventure that all started in a small tavern, with an even smaller pub.....

Way to go Red Dragon!

Thanks for voting in our recent poll..

The winner of the best chromatic dragon is.....


Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I have all the resources to make a podcasts. (Mics, audio software, and ideas.)

How does one go about setting one up?

I would assume I need some one to host the podcast audio. Is there a free service out there?

At one point in time I had a unix account on my brothers MUD machine out in AZ, but I think that went down the same way our communication with each other did.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I am not a bad guy or an mean DM.. (Yeah, that's the ticket.)

After reading my post on the parties body count, I seem to come off as an ahole.

I am not, despite what Pez says.

Here's the low down.

Our party has played the game for over 2 years off and on together. In the early days I was way too kind. Nobody died, the players always killed the bad guy fairly easy, and got way too many magical items way too early. Thus causing a balance issue making the game for no one by the time we hit level 14.

After a break for a few months we regrouped, recharged with a new outlook.

1. Less Dungeon Crawling- We have DC enough at this point in our D&D sessions.

2 .(ties into #1) More roleplaying and more story, less hack and slash.

3. House rules. They were set up in our first session and everybody understand them.

4. We are going low tech. Pens, paper, rolling HP, and ability scores. Not using a point buy system or average HP per level/class may seem to cause a unbalance between players, however, I do not find that too be true, you may have to message a few things here and there but in the long run it has made things more even.

5. Start at level 1. At one time we would start at level 4 or 5 so the PCs were not so weak they could do very little. But, by starting at level 1 the players are more attached to their characters and seem to be able to roleplay them better then ever.

My point this is, my players are looking for a challenge and when they have to fight for their lives and know that they could die, they step their game up 100%.

(Dedicated to Aust.)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Don't party with us.

If I was an adventurer and my group of PCs asked me to party with them, I would have to turn them down.

Why you ask?

First off, its not the players I am talking about. They are amazing players and I would not trade them for anybody. However, their PCs have been having some bad luck with people they hire on into their party. I think they are up to a 5 deaths in 5 games.

First it was a fighter and a wizard, however that is not truly the parties, the players running those characters didn't mesh with the group and we all parted ways. To make the story work they were bumped off.

Next they got help from a Gnome sorcerer, who met his end at the hands of a dwarf skeleton and then had his body thrown down a chasm by the PCs so they did not have to lug him around and a bunch of treasure.

I think the next game was death free, however, Royo the Rogue was dropped to -2 by a half troll by the name of Dematrillus. If my memory serves me correctly he failed his checks to become stable all the way -9 and to make the case worse Pez the cleric was also dropped. Leaving Elias the fighter to finish the job, which he did, losing his arm in the process. Lucky he had a potion he shoved down Pez's windpipe and Pez healed Royo before he fell below -10.

Game 1 of the sons of Gruumish game the party hired on a sorceress named Goldmoon and a half-orc Barbarian/ranger named Zoloft Shaker, who was a old friend of Royo's. Zoloft met her end at the hands of a Ogre zombie, that Pez forgot his healing spells would harm. Game 2 Goldmoon was dropped by a Dire boar and coup de gra'd by a Orc. (Which caused the person who is running her to hate me.) My party forgets that they can try to get these people res'd, but they are too cheap for such a grand procedure.

Like I said, they are developing a great reputation for killing monsters and hunting bounties, but they are also developing a reputation that if you join their party the odds are against you.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Game ideas Part II.

Feel free to take this story starters and work them into your game:
Yesterday morning I was reading a book of stories to my little daughter and it hit me, a great place to draw ideas for a D&D game are fairy tales. They are set in a "D&D" type of world with magic, dragons, knights and castles. Our first concept:

Jack and the beanstalk.

This story would work great for a D&D game.. It has it all:

Magical Treasure: The golden goose, the magical harp and tons of gold and other loot.

Castle: The entire adventure would take place in a Cloud Giant's castle. Wow.

Giant: The main villain would be a Cloud Giant, plus I am sure this guy would have some pretty wicked minions working for him.

Getting Started:

First things first, magic beans. If you have a PC with a low INT you could easily have someone trade him some gear or gold for the beans, or if you have a sticky fingered Halfling in the group put them in a place where he or she will see them and they won't be able to resist the chance to snatch them.

Of course other ideas work great, such as the beanstalk already exists in some hamlet and a group of brave adventures went up the stalk years ago and never returned and the villagers are to scared to go up after them.

A wizards or a druids spell went horribly wrong resulting in the massive beanstalk.

Gygax wrote an adventure that was a take on Alice and Wonderland, even though I personally have never played it or ran it, I read it over and it looks amazing. If you have kids and are looking for ideas for a D&D game look no further than their bookshelf.

Do you have any story book ideas for a game? Or, any ideas for a "Jack" and the beanstalk themed game?

Friday, March 28, 2008

New Poll!

Which color of the chromatic dragons is the best? Vote now, polls are open for 1 week.

More ideas than time.

One of the biggest problems I face is the lack of time to run D&D games and the amount of ideas I have for the game. If I were to compare the amount of time I have to prepare for games, to actually run a game that all of my players can come to, the time it takes away from the family; to how many new ideas I would like to try and have, it would be like comparing one of 10,000 lakes of Minnesota to the Pacific Ocean.

Here are a few of the ideas I have been kicking around:

ArrrrgGG, who doesn't love pirates, and ever since those pirate movies with Johnny Depp came out everybody loves a good buccaneer! I think the first movie would make a great D&D game. A little reworking, but it would be a blast.

I never played in a Dark Sun campaign but a sand game with pyramids, mummies, evil sand monsters and a blazing hot sun would be fun to run.

I have never ran an entire undead game before. I started to write one and ran it for a few weeks but we moved on to other things before we got to the meat and potatoes. Zombies, wights, and litches are great monsters.

Son of a god.
You might know where I am going with this. I sit in church every week and I think about D&D because our weekly D&D game is on Saturday nights and normally wraps up about 4 hours before I go to church on Sunday morning. I always thought the story of some gods son coming to the realm to shake things up would be great. (Actually, there are tons of great ideas for D&D games found in the Christian bible.)

More ideas coming soon.

Till next time....

What ideas do you have for a "great" game? What makes for a good location?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why do we DM?

I wonder sometimes, why do I DM? I enjoy playing D&D, a lot. However, my best gaming experiences are when I am the helm of the ship. I am by no means an ego manic, matter of fact, I am completely the opposite. I am unsure, self doubting, and have an awful case of low self esteem. I always question of my group is truly having fun playing, or if they are hating every minute of my games. For a long time this caused me undue stress which lead me to step away from the game for a good year. (This is not only reason I stepped away, that was the same year my daughter was born and I did not want to miss a minute away from here.)

Eventually I overcame a lot of these feelings and was able to move forward and got the group back together. Sure, I still get a awful case of butterflies before each game, but now I realize they are having fun and they keep coming back for more. I am sure I am not the only person that feels this way.

I digress. Why do we put ourselves through this? Why are DMs? What sets as a part from the group?

My theories:

I've been there, done that:
DMs are the guys who have played the longest and no longer get a thrill from the game and chose to take their past experiences and apply to their own game.

God like powers:
Some people are attracted to god like powers. When you DM you do have the ultimate power to decided what is going to happen to your PCs. Sure, you may have dice rolls to determine an outcome of any random event, but if you DM you know there are times where you flub a roll to advance the story. With that being said, if you abuse said god like powers, you run the risk of becoming a power-monger and turning the game into a bad experience for your players.

Creative outlet:
I think I fit this one the most:
You love fantasy adventures, read the books and comics see the movies, and you want to translate these things into your own game world. You have more ideas than time for games, you are always thinking of new things to bring to the game or ways to increase game play through props and voices.

Why do you DM? Or Why do you think your DM does it?

Recap: Sons of Gruumish game 1

A few weeks ago I started to run the "Sons of Gruumish" adventure for WoTC.

See it here.

I like what I see so far. I have added a few things to the adventure to make it fit my party a little better.

My PCs are:
Royo: Halfling Rogue 3
Elias: Gold Dwarf Fighter 3
Pezula: Gold Dwarf Cleric 3

NPCs in their party
Zoloft Shaker: Half Orc Barbarian 1/Ranger 3
Goldmoon Blackburn Human Sorceress 4

The adventure starts in Suzail with a scroll delivered to Pez. The scroll is from his "uncle" Dorn Crownshield, who is currently living in the town of Melvaunt in the Moonsea. He askes Pez and his brother to join him in Melvaunt for adventures in the Thar. However, the note took an incredible amount of time to get to Pez, and unknow to Pez Dorn his found some others to adventure with him.

Royo and Zoloft Shaker head to the seedy part of Suzail, the docks ran by the Kao-Toa Pirate Lomar. Lomar was not there, but Royo deed meet with a guild master telling him to bring a Wyvern stinger to him and they will take about Royo's future in the guild.

Elias is being healed in the temple of Mordin. He has been secretly feeding the dragon, he stashed in the temple basement.

The team hired a sorceress by the name of Goldmoon. She has little to say but is more than willing to accept her cut of the loot.

Pez, Royo, Zoloft, and Goldmoon come up with a plan to get the dragon from the temple basement into the woods. Shortly after Pez receives another message this time by a wizard by the name of Cavallas asking Pez to bring the dragon to Melvaunt to sell it to him.

Elias heals, Goldmoon gets seduced, and Royo makes snoof-snoof.

The groups coughs up some gold for a portal to Melvuant, but owes a wizards guild a future favor.

The adventures arrive just outside of Melvuant and are met by several drunkards wandering the streets looking for Oreal Nanther. However, the companions are more concerend with filling their pockets then helping a unknown noble they make haste towards the Crows Nest where they are greeted by the bars owner, Pultary Crow.

He tells them he has not seen Dorn is days but knows he had recently found a group of young adventures looking for a mentor. If Dorn is around town he spends most of his time at the Frothy Beard, a dwarven bar. Also, the wizard you seek is renting a room at the Crows Nest.

Royo, Pez, and Elias meet up with Malachi, the Wizard Cavallas' apprentice, where he tells them he seeks what you have and offers you a very good fee for the dragon. Royo stays behind as Pez and Elias go and retrieve the dragon to show good face. The wizard, who does not speak good common asks Royo through his apprentice Malachi if he uses the art

Royo explains he knows of very little of the art, but admires it. Malachi tells him he is from a place called Ridgecrest, a island off the coast of Faerun. He studied under an Wizard named Alamozes, but he was unable to help Malachi reach his full potential and that is where he met Cavallas, and despite the fact he is a dark elf, he is just misunderstood.

Later on the group travels to another local bar, the Frothy Beard. The guard will not allow Zoloft in to the bar due to her Orc heritage.

The party meets the bartender named Hraf, a dwarf missing his left eye and left foot. He talks with Pez about his uncle and his recent claims of owning a treasure map that leads to a treasure hidden below the Orc ruins two days north of Melvuant.

Royo and Elias get roped into playing cards with a couple of shady dwarfs. The gods seem to be on the side of the adventures till all the sudden some who the dwarfs seem to win a hand of cards and the friends lose a good chunk of gold.

While the adventures drink warm ale and sulk after loosing at cards they over hear that a local ruler named Lord Nanther is looking for his missing son and is willing to pay 1000pp to who ever returns him. Never missing a chance to make some money Elias suggest since you are in Melvuant already and Dorn is no where to be found why pass up a chance to make some plat.

The companions meet with Lord Nanther on a cold and rainy night in his large manor. Nanther explains his son Oreal is a good boy, a grown man in a matter of fact, but is too trusting and naive. He believes his arch nemesis Lord Leiyraghon, or Leghorn as the drunkards call him, has something to do with Oreal's disappearance. He also tells you the other noble scions of Melvaunt are missing as well, all except young master Natali.

You meet with Vance Bruil, another local leader who has a missing son and tells you pretty much the same thing as Nanther. A chamber maid working for Bruil tells you that his grandson Argens has undergone Paladin training and has been leaving home one a month for roughly a week and each time returns with injuries and blood stains on his clothes.

You attempt to meet up with Leghorn, but he refuses to speak with you.

After exploring town a wee bit you find out that Old Tom was selling maps of a treasure hidden in the Orc ruins in Thar. However, Old Tom left town and abanonded his store.

Also, you found the other missing youths are named:
Argens Bruil: Ranger
Kalman Leiyraghon (Leghorn) Pally
Elaint Marsk Cleric
Kara Calaudra. Sorceress with a raven familiar.

Putting two and two together you figure out that Dorn had been sneaking around with the missing youths as of recently and they were the group of adventures seeking a mentor. However, they did not tell their families due to bitterness between their fathers.

Deciding on looking for Dorn who hasnt been heard from in some time, you head into the Thar looking for him.

However on your way out of town 5 thugs jump you. However two Gold Dwarves help you fend them off and tell you they are hired goons from the house of Leiygaghon.

After a short time in the Thar you realize why no man lives their as you come across two vicious Mt. Orcs fishing. Battle breaks out, but the loud noises awaken a Ogre Zombie and he joins in on the Melee.

A fierce battle breaks out resulting in the loss of life of Zoloft Shaker the half-Orc barbarian ranger. Almost everyone in the party was injured pretty badly cause the friend to retreat back into Melvaunt with their tails between their legs.

Important Names:
House of Nanther
House of Leghorn
House of Bruil
House of Calaudra
House of Marsk
Oreal Nanther: father will pay you 1000 pp if you find and return him
Argen Bruil: missing
Kalaman Leiyraghon: missing
Elaint Marsk: missing
Kara Calaudra: missing
Dorn Crownshield.: "uncle" of Pez and Elias also missing
Malachi and Cavallas: two wizard who you suspect are up to no good, however have no reason to distrust them at this point. (Give it 60 years)
Hraf: disfigured bartender that started it all
Zoloft Shaker:Snoof Snoofer. RIP.


Melvaunt: city you are in.
Moonsea: Country you are in
Thar: The Great Gray Land, full of savage beasts and ruins of old Orc Kingdoms. Recent Orc activity has increased in Thar.
Glister; The only human settlement in Thar.

Find Dorn
Find Oreal
figure out what and who is in the Orc Ruins 2 days north of Melvaunt.
Find a replacement for your dead party member.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kung-Fu Kobold

Welcome to the Kung Fu Kobold. I am Run, a life time gamer and DM. I am looking for a venue to voice my thoughts, ideas, and concerns with gaming, mostly but not limited to table top gaming or D&D.

My name is Ryan. But, when I write I use my alias Run, my first D&D Character a Half-Orc Barbarian. I live in the biggest small town in the midwest. I am an Iowa boy born and raised, however I would love to move out of the heartland and live a coastal lifestyle.

I have been playing D&D for over 10 years. I was first turned on to the game through my older brother. However, instead of the pen and paper version I play now, I started out on a MUD. (Multi user Dungeon,) Mud's are the grandparents of todays MMORPG. Sad to say, unlike today's graphical games like WOW and Everquest, MUD's started out as text based games. The game is named "After Hours." It is still active today, however nobody plays there anymore. The game used AD&D rules and was pretty close to the table top game, more than most MMORPG's are.

I started this blog because I have a game I run for 3 of my best friends twice a month and I always am looking for new material or information about what other DMs are doing in their games. I decided that if I am looking for these things, a blog about D&D, others must be as well.

I hope I can post some great stuff about our game, my thoughts on the game in the digital age, and anything else that comes to my mind.

Happy Blogging!